zibh ke hangam aiesi pyas thi shabbir ki | chalte chalte halq per be aab khanjer hogaya (hasee'n jaisi) ||  Azadari Jais Welcomes all momeneen/momenat and requests for a surah fateha on the name of Late Janab Ghulam Akbar Naqvi Ibne Mohd Musharraf Naqvi and Late Janab Manzoorul Hasan Naqvi Ibne Wali Hasan Naqvi || 

JAIS LAND OF ULEMA & POETS . This has been a land of Knowledge, even before Muslims settled here it was a centre of higher education and it was known as Vidya Nagar. It was famous for its Sanskrit University which was affiliated to famous Taxila University. Then came the time when Muslim migrants chose it as their homeland and named it 'Jae Aish'--'Place of Rest' and over a period of time as Urdu and later Hindi became more pervasive, it became Jais. Jais is the earliest known Naqvi Sadats of India. Syed Najmuddin Sabzwari, a revered Ulema, was the leader of Momineens who settled and inhabited this land ,in 1027 A.D(around 420 Hijri).Later on during the reign of Sher Shah Suri(mid 16th century) adjacent Patakpur,7Km from Jais, was inhabited by Momineen of Jais under the leadership of Syed Zakaria Jaisi ( Great Grandfather of Hazrat Ghufraan Ma'ab ) and rechristened as Naseerabad after the name of Syed Naseeruddin Jaisi.

Jais & Naseerabad are the native land of Khandan e Ijtihad .This belt of Momineens always concentrated on Educations and Higher Aims which were to take them close to their ALMIGHTY. This land was bestowed by some of the famous religious scholars of different sects of ISLAM.

Ayatullah al Uzma Sayyid Dildar Ali Naqvi 'Ghufraan-ma'ab (ra)' was from here and later his family came to be called Khandan e Ijtihaad due to the heavy presence of high ranking scholars. Some of the famous religious scholars from this lineage include Syed ul Ulema Ayatullah Syed Ali Naqi Naqvi 'Naqqan(sb)', Jannat Ma'ab Ayatullah Syed Mohammad Naqvi, Ayatullah Aqa Hasan Sb, Ayatullah Syed Kalbe Hussain Naqvi, Hujjat ul Islam Syed Kalbe Abid Naqvi, Hujjat ul Islam Syed Kalbe Jawwad Naqvi, Allama Syed Hasan Zafar Naqvi(based in Karachi), Allama Nasir Ijtehadi, Dr Kalbe Sadiq and Hujjat ul Islam Syed Ali Mohammad Naqvi .

Know more about JAIS
33 Safar 1444 Hijri